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Unpacking the Significance of the Advent Season: A Time of Hope, Preparation, and Anticipation
The dictionary definition of Advent states that it is: - a) The coming or arrival of something or someone that is important or worthy of...
Why be born again? Part 4
In John 17v50-51 Nicodemus defends Jesus by speaking up for him and reminding the Sanhedrin that the Law of Moses demands a fair trial...
Why be born again Part 3
As a Pharisee, Nicodemus’ mind would begin to turn towards Exodus 14:21 (the Exodus) when the strong wind dried up the Red sea...
Why be born again? Part 2
Nicodemus did not call Jesus Lord.
When Nicodemus called Jesus Rabbi (teacher from God) he had got it right thus far, for the many miracles
Why be born again? Part 1
Watchman Nee gives a good way of understanding this.
If your father, or grandfather, or great grandfather had died as a child you would not
Loving One Another Part 2
Our basis for accepting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ is that the Lord himself has already accepted each one of us.
The manna and the bread of life
Reading John chapter 6 recently it struck me that this chapter is all about bread.
Did Jesus and his earliest followers believe that he would return during their lifetime? Part 2/2
Specifically, when Jesus applies the restriction to going anywhere among the Samaritans and Gentiles but only to the lost people in Israel
Did Jesus and his earliest followers believe that he would return during their lifetime? Part 1/2
Certain people, usually sceptics, claim that Jesus appeared to have stated in three different bible verses that his second coming would take
How to restore our fellowship with the Lord Part 4
Confessing your sins is agreeing with God that it was wrong and inappropriate for us as God’s family, then we can receive our forgiveness
How to restore our fellowship with the Lord Part 3
v9, we need to name our sins before the Lord and somehow God is able to cleanse us from them all –perhaps even the ones we did not remember!
How to restore our fellowship with the Lord Part 2
The chastening of the Lord How does God deal with Christians who are out of fellowship?: Hebrews 12: 5 And you have forgotten the...
How to restore our fellowship with the Lord Part 1
1 John 1:9 The ongoing remedy for our sin In some ways when we get saved or born again the Lord could say ‘I have cleansed every sin from...
Jesus' Manifesto Part 4
and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ,
Jesus' Manifesto Part 3 The onward transmission
Jesus’ mission (manifesto) was passed down to the disciples and so on, all the way down to us believers today.
Jesus' Manifesto Part 2
21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
Jesus' Manifesto Part 1
Luke 4:18-19 The UK news media is buzzing at present with speculation as to when the next UK general election will take place. Once the...
The one and only true Gospel
The Gospel was the only answer to the downward spiral of human activities in Rome and is still the same answer to the same problem in the,,,
What makes Christianity different or true? Part 2
The claims that Jesus Christ made about himself Sceptics say that Jesus never claimed to be God, that others made that up. However, Jesus...
The dimensions of God's love Part 2
in Ephesians 3:18 we see that there is a supernatural order of the dimensions of God’s love.
The attributes of God: Grace
Now we can clearly see how we are to live our lives before God the Father.
We are to do so as if we were alive from the dead; in willing,
The attributes of God: Grace
Many have speculated on the nature of Paul’s thorn in the flesh with various approaches including it being an eye condition etc...
The attributes of God:
‘His goodness directed toward human debt and demerit. It is by His grace that God imputes merit where none previously existed and declares
The attributes of God:
We can give one of two responses to the goodness of God, which are 1.the right response, and 2. the wrong response.
The Attributes of God:
For the purposes of our bible study today ‘an attribute of God is whatever God has in any way revealed as being true of Himself.’
Walking in integrity Part 3
The integrity of God assures believers that faith in Him is always entirely appropriate. The integrity of God’s being is fully consistent...
Battling our invisible enemies
These celestial enemies come in various forms, as is suggested by the variety of terms used by Paul to identify them: “rulers ” these are..
A Glimpse of things to come
It is easy to become a little forgetful of the enormous comfort [1] that we receive from God’s word concerning our eternal destiny.
Jesus is a compassionate Saviour. So many times he showed compassion. Compassion when expressed usually leads to action whether in healing,
Communion: our continual dependence upon Christ's life
As we come to the Lord’s table today, we want to consider that our God, the God of the bible, is a God of covenants. Our God is a Covenant..
Thought for Resurrection Sunday
These women all have names, and they all have stories. Mary Magdalene was among them. The Lord had cast seven demons out of Mary; then there
The meaning of the Resurrection
Perhaps the most puzzling thing about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is why Christians tend to only speak about it at Easter.
Forgiveness Part 1
The cross gives a good visual aid for looking at the dimensions of forgiveness. The vertical beam signifying our own vertical need for...
The stone which the builders rejected
The one people in the world who should have known who and what the Son of God would be like, were the Jews. But when He came to them, most..
The anointing breaks the yoke
Jesus came to meet people’s needs
Jesus came to meet their need for Salvation
Jesus came to meet their need for Deliverance
Jesus came to...
Following Jesus Part 3
(1) deny self,
(2) take up our cross,
(3) follow Jesus.
(4) Be prepared to lose our life.
Following Jesus Part 2
Jesus did not tell His disciples to follow other teachers; in fact, He warned against "false teachers" and rejected teachers of questionable
Following Jesus Part 1
Bonhoeffer also says that as we identify with Jesus’ death in our baptism then we are showing full commitment to following Him
The joy of finding lost valuables
When I was a young teenager, my mother took me aside one day, and entrusted the Churchill crown to my safe keeping, I hid it in an old..
Aiming for excellence in your service to God
Psalm 8:1 O LORD our Lord, how excellent [is] your name in all the earth! who has set your
glory above the heavens.
The Lord our God has an
Our identity is in Christ Part 3
1 John 5:4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith...
Our identity is in Christ Part 2
Many believers today seem to be experiencing an identity crisis. What I mean by this is that the life they are leading does not match up...
Our identity is in Christ Part 1
Many Christians today gain their identity more from their family background, work, or human relationships than from their biblical identity.
Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches
You could say the picture of the vine and the branches is a model but one that reflects the spiritual reality very clearly.
The Gifts of the Godhead Part 2
Victorious Roman generals on returning to Rome paraded the biggest and strongest of their captives so that the Roman citizens could see ...
The Good News: Why It Brings Great Joy to All People
For many Xmas is a time of some happiness but Xmas is a very pale imitation of the real Christmas, the celebration of the birth of the...
Is it Xmas or Christmas?
Those early believers would have recognised Jesus instantly, and our Lord is being embedded deeply, presently, and historically into...
What happened to the baby in the manger? Part 2
The ‘world’ is happy to focus on the baby. He is no threat to their lifestyle, whilst in manger. Yet we in the church are filled with awe..
What happened to the baby in the manger? Part 1
However, Jesus Christ did not remain a baby but became the mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Saviour of the world, and the...
Be clothed with humility 2
This whole area of pride vs humility is rooted in the ‘act of comparing’.
Pride arises when we compare others unfavourably with ourselves.
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