Prodigal does not mean wayward but means extravagant

The Parable of the Prodigal Son... first, everyone thinks that "prodigal" means "wayward". The rock group Kansas made a nice-sounding tuneful song around 1977 called "Carry On, My Wayward Son", that I quite like.
But "prodigal" actually means "extravagant"... related to the word "prodigious". As in "prodigal giving to the poor"... extravagant giving. Of course, THIS son was prodigal with his spending his inheritance BEFORE the time.
Second, he had demanded that he have his inheritance NOW. WHAT AN INSULT to the Father! He was saying, "I can't wait for you to die-- I want it NOW!"
How many Christians erroneously think that they are asking for their "Rights" when actually, they are being like the son in this parable? Just make sure WE are not like that... keeping everything submitted to God.
Third, "When he was a long way off, the Father ran out to meet him." This meant that the FATHER WAS WATCHING for him! He was anxiously scanning the horizon-- His heart was so involved in loving His lost son... that when He saw him "a long way off", He instantly recognised his WALK.
Why do I say "walk"-? Because, from a great distance, one MIGHT recognise someone's profile-- but if a long period of time has passed, they might have gained or lost weight... BUT, a person's WALK, their gait, is able to be recognised. It holds loads of meaning for us...
Fourth, the Father HAD to get to him BEFORE he reached the village. Otherwise the village Elders would have performed a "ceremony of shame" called the "kezazah” where they would have formally disfellowshipped him from the community because of the disgrace he brought on their name by his immoral actions.
What the Father did, was to get to him with His grace, BEFORE the Law could judge him-- and giving him not only a "party"-- but a RE-INSTATEMENT as a proper SON! He clothed him with a goodly robe-- the BEST robe ("of Righteousness")... put a ring on his hand (the Signet Ring that 1-enables him to do Business in his father's stead, and 2- identifies him as belonging to THIS family name)... and put shoes on his feet. (1-so FIRST his feet, his "daily walk" would have to be WASHED, and 2- "our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace" - protection and enabling to WALK in this new and living Way).
THEN they killed the fatted calf, and there was Music and Dancing, in great rejoicing, "...for this thy BROTHER was 'dead' and is Alive again! --and was 'lost’ and is FOUND!"
Some people say, "Have you found Jesus?" -- "Why, was he lost...?"
NO! It should be, "Has Jesus found YOU--?"
The three parables are:
The Lost Sheep... ONE out of a Hundred. (Luke 15:3-7)
The Lost Coin... ONE out of Ten (Luke 15:8-10)
The Lost Son... ONE out of Two (Luke 15:11-32)
Notice that THIS parable has the longest section of verses. Does that mean that the details are MOST important--?
Notice that the Elder Brother had a Double Portion of the inheritance (Hebrew custom: if you had two sons, you would divide the family inheritance THREE ways, and the First Born would get the "Double Portion". So, with four sons, they would divide it Five ways, and the First Born would get two portions [he double portion] and all the others would get one each.)
But he was upset at the "party"... and would not go in! The Father's appeal, "Son, all I have is yours, and you are always with me!" Shouldn't THAT have warmed his heart--?
He complained that he had SERVED many years, and NOT TRANSGRESSED his commands... yet had not been "given so much as a kid" (a young goat). He was saying, "I believe in the LAW, and the rewards of the Law. Yet, it has not been forthcoming... not even inferior meat, for me to make merry with my friends!" He was completely missing the point that the Fatted Calf was not a REWARD to the younger brother, nor was it WAGES...!
It was a celebration of LIFE!!!
Let us rejoice in LIFE from the Lord!
Guest Blogger
Alex Smith