Find God's total security in the pandemic
Lord Most High, we thank You that we live under Your Shelter
and that we are under Your shadow
We declare about You Lord, that You alone, are our refuge, our place of safety
You are our God and we will trust You
For You will rescue us from every trap and protect us from all deadly disease
Your faithful promises are like armour to us and protect us
We will not be afraid of the terrors at night, nor the arrow that flies by day
We will not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at noon
Though a thousand fall at our side, and ten thousand are dying around us,
These evils will not touch us
Because we have made the Lord our refuge, and because we have made the Most High our shelter
No evil will conquer us, no plague will come near our homes
For You will command your angels to protect us wherever we go
Lord we reverently remind you of your promises by which you said that,
You will rescue those who love You
You will protect those who trust in your Name
When we call on you, You will answer
You will be with us in trouble
You will rescue us and honour us
You will reward us with long life
And give us your salvation
Lord we receive all Your precious promises in Jesus’ name.
Further study of Psalm 91 at