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Unleashing Godly Enthusiasm and Zeal: A Guide for Living with Passion and Purpose (Part 1)

Writer: cgreenps1cgreenps1

What is Biblical enthusiasm?

What things in life are you enthusiastic about? Family, friends, politics, sports, or hobbies such as cooking, art, gardening etc. etc. So what is meant by the word enthusiasm?

Dictionary Definition: intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval:

Biblical Definition

NT Greek word for enthusiasm is entheos and is in two parts en=in   theos=God

so entheos simply means ‘in God.’ It has the idea of being full of God i.e. full of his love.

Our love and everything we do in church and in our Christian life ought to be ‘in God.’

Romans 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

God’s agape love is being poured into our hearts day by day and is the source of our enthusiasm or zeal for the Lord and our fellow Christians. It is God’s love in our hearts that helps us to grow through obedience to God's word into mature and stable believers for our ongoing service to the Lord. Our love for God is usually demonstrated in four main ways.

1.      Praise (about God’s person and character)-not affected by our life events-Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25-28).

2.      Thanksgiving (is about what God has done)- expressing our gratitude to God- always be ready and willing to give your testimony as to what God has and is doing in your life,

3.      Worship (see FLS 07) - “worship” derives from the Old Eng. “weordhscipe” and means “worthship,” i.e. worthiness, dignity, or merit, the recognition accorded or due to these, the paying of homage or respect. In Christianity, the term is used for the reverent devotion, service, or honour paid to God, whether in public or private.

4.      Obedience to his word (If you love me keep my commandments)- simply means what God has told us to do in the bible.

Biblical Enthusiasm

The Bible uses several different words for this idea of being filled with enthusiasm: ardour, zeal, whole-heartedness. A common favourite is “eager.” When you are eager, you are enthusiastic about your service to God and others.

This idea is taught repeatedly in the New Testament. We are told to:

Be “eager to serve” (1 Peter 5:2)

Be “eager for the gifts of the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 14:12)

Have an “eager willingness” to finish the work of faith we have begun (2 Corinthians 8:11)

Wait in “eager expectation” for God (Romans 8:9)

Be “eager to do what is good” (Titus 2:14).

What are you eager to do for God?

So we might expect our enthusiasm for all our secular activities ought to be less than our passion and enthusiasm for all things Christian and related to God. Is that true for you?

An interesting thing in my own life is that I find when I have various opportunities to do something for God, no matter my initial reaction to hearing about the opportunity if I find my enthusiasm growing then the Lord is calling me to get involved.


Personal prayer


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