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Unleashing Godly enthusiasm and zeal: A guide to living with passion and purpose (Part 4)

Writer: cgreenps1cgreenps1

God is zealous for you, you should be zealous for Him.


What do you think of Jesus Christ?

What is the reaction of your heart to the mention of his name?

Do you think he is only a prophet?

All right, can you take or leave him?

Remember Jesus says about the lukewarm that he will spit them out of his mouth.

Or does your heart burn within you like those disciples on the road to Emmaus. When you think of Jesus Christ do you have a holy zeal for him.

                A holy zeal for his name

                A holy zeal for his honour

                A holy zeal for his reputation

                A holy zeal for him to keep his commandments.

Today we are going to consider ‘what is zeal for God’ and find out from the bible how God feels about you and me and what the response of our hearts to God should be.


Remember our Definition

Zeal; is intense enthusiasm for a cause or person, a passionate ardour for a cause or person.

To be zealous is to be urgent, passionate, enthusiastic, and earnest for God, to be jealous for his honour, his reputation, and his name.


How does God feel about you?

Can he take or leave you? How important are you to him? God has intense enthusiasm for you, he is ardent about you/ he cares about every detail of your life. He so loved you that he sent his beloved Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sins.

God loves you deeply and strongly and his love ought to produce a response in your heart.


1 John 4:19

We love him, because he first loved us: while we were dead in our sins and trespasses God loved us and gave his Son Jesus Christ for your sins.

Not when we were born again at our best, but when we were at our very worst. God gave that which was most valuable to him i.e. his Son to die an agonizing death on the cross. Yes, God is zealous for you. God is willing to give his best for you. God cares intensely for you yesterday, today, and forever.


Ephesians 3:16-20

God wants each one of us to know just how great his love for us is. God wants all his people to know the dimensions of his love for you…How

Broad, covering all races, peoples, all colour all shapes and sizes.

Long, God says to his people, I have love you with an everlasting love. Jesus Christ has promised you that he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deep, enough for Jesus Christ to submit to crucifixion for we sinners.


Romans 8:35-39

Who can separate you from love of Christ?







Verse 38; Neither death or life, nor angels/ supernatural beings, things that exist or will come to exist e.g., height (mountains) depth (bottom of the sea) any wild animal can separate you from love of God which you first found in Christ Jesus.

God is zealous for you

Depth: God cares about the minute details in your life. He even knows the very number of hairs in your head. He knows you intimately, he made you and gave you, your personality.

 God loves you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. He cares about your family, your job, and your affections.


James 4:5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously?

He is jealous for your love and does not want you to spend it on other gods,idols, or things.

God is jealous and zealous of/for you.

God is intensely enthusiastic about you and cares about every details of your life. God is passionate about you. He is ardent and sincere and always wants the absolute best for his children. He wants you to be like him.


This wonderful love should produce a response in our hearts. We should become zealous for him, the mention of the name of Jesus Christ should stir our hearts with passion, ardour, and zeal. Our hearts should cringe when we hear his name taken in vain. Rather, His name, we ought to always exalt when we hear or see him glorified. He is our first love, high above all other loves. Our zeal for him will help us to kill off the sin in our lives.


John 14:15

Jesus says if you love me, you will keep my commandments.

We must be zealous (ardent and passionate) for our God, we must have intense enthusiasm for him, his name, and his ways.

Love him like he loves you!


 Personal Prayer



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