Lessons from the Scottish Revival 1948-52

What happened next?
Then the revival began to sweep into Arnol, another district where men had been praying and
crying out to God because of the deadness of religion. In desperation a little band of men
made their way to a farmhouse to plead the promises of God.
Just after midnight a young man rose and prayed a prayer that will never be forgotten by those present:
"Lord, you made a promise, are you going to fulfil it? We believe that you are a
covenant keeping God. Will you be true to your covenant? You have said that you will
pour waters upon him who is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground (Isaiah 44:3).
Lord, I know how these ministers stand in your presence, but if I know my own heart I know
where I stand, and I tell thee now that I am thirsty. Oh, I am thirsty for a manifestation of the
presence and power of God! And Lord, before I sit down, I want to tell you that your honour is
at stake!"
The House Shook!
Then came the answer - While the brother prayed the house shook like a leaf as God turned
loose His mighty power - the dishes rattled on the sideboard. The elder exclaimed, " An earth
tremor!" Then wave after wave of divine power swept throughout the farmhouse. -
Walking the streets under conviction
Simultaneously, the Spirit of God swept through the village. People could no longer sleep.
houses were lit all night; people walked the streets under conviction; people knelt by their
bedsides crying out to God to help them. As the praying men left the prayer meeting, the
preacher walked into a house for a glass of milk. He found the lady of the house, with seven
others down upon their knees crying for pardon.
48 hours to change all the youth and every young man
Within 48 hours the drinking house, usually crowded with the men of the village, was
Within 48 hours every young person between the ages of 12 and 20 had surrendered to Christ, and every young man between the ages of 18 and 35 could be found in
the prayer meetings.
Message for Ireland and beyond
God is looking for his intercessors for Ireland, and I believe that He has sent me here tonight
to tell you that it is you and to remind you about a covenant engagement; c.f. the Lewis revival.
He has promised to pour out his Spirit on the dry and thirsty ground.
You praying women should put God in remembrance of his covenant, humble yourselves and
repent, confess the sins of the nation, then he will come ...
Further reading on the Lewis Revival:
The Lewis Awakening: The Nature of a God Sent Revival eBook : Campbell, Duncan, Publications, CrossReach: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store